* Harvey I Sladkus
The Firm's Matrimonial Department is fully equipped to handle all aspects of family law cases, both at the trial and appellate levels. Litigation involving divorce, separation and annulment matters are specialties, which include custody, maintenance, child support and distribution of marital property. The Department has extensive experience in negotiating and drafting prenuptial, post-nuptial and separation agreements. The Firm is experienced in inter-state and international marital disputes through its membership in the American and International Academies of Matrimonial Lawyers.

* Fellow, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

Harvey I Sladkus
Todtman, Nachamie, Spizz & Johns PC
425 Park Ave - 5th floor
New York NY 10022
Tel: 212 754-9400
Fax: 212 754-6262
E-mail: hisatty@nyc.rr.com

Practice Areas
* Matrimonial Law
* Trial Practice
* Appellate Practice
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